Providing the best in OEM equipment and experienced engineering services, RTS Corporation can offer a lot to those in the engineering industry. Whether you require solutions in oil and gas, or power generation, we can offer high-quality components, engineering consultancy services, and field service engineering.
If you have yet to look into hiring outside consultants for your projects, you may be unfamiliar with field service engineering and what a field service engineer can offer. In this blog, RTS Corporation is looking at some of the details of field service engineering.
Providing field service engineering means having a strong foundation of knowledge about many industry-specific engineering requirements as well as general standards and practices that apply across all industries. A skilled field service engineer must have a practical knowledge of the many different types of machinery and equipment they will encounter in their work.
A field service engineer is a person who is sent to repair equipment when it is damaged, defective, or no longer operational. This means they need to be able to know going in what they will need to do to assess and fix the issue in order to get operations back on track.
Field service engineers take this knowledge and combine it with the skills and experience necessary to put it to use in unique and demanding operational settings. Field service engineering is a hands-on career, and the engineer needs to be able to roll up their sleeves and get to work on a wide variety of equipment in an equally wide variety of scenarios. Exceptional practical skills and abilities, as well as a deep knowledge of industry-specific engineering, means getting the job done in a timely and reliable way.
Field service engineers are often required to travel extensively. This means that engineers need to be prepared for long and frequent trips for work and to act as an exemplary representative of their company when they are on the job. Depending on the kind of work, trips can be longer or shorter, and the locations can pose very different demands.
Engineers can quickly go from working in isolation, with the peace and quiet to focus on the job, to a busy environment where their ability to concentrate is tested to its limit. The key to field service engineering is the combination of knowledge with the ability and willingness to think fast and adapt to different working environments.
If you are looking for an engineering consultant or field service engineer that you know you can trust, contact RTS Corporation today. We have helped countless clients improve their processes and get better, more efficient results. We can also provide OEM equipment that meets any industry standards. Take a look at our range of engineering services.