RTS Corporation has been a leader in custom air-cooled heat exchangers for over 50 years. Our team of expert engineers ensures that your company gets the right cooling device for your needs. Today, we will discuss some of the different types of mechanical Fin Fan Coolers to help you understand which cooler is right for your purposes.
Depending on your requirements RTS can assist you with the following types of Fin Fan Air Coolers:
In the forced draft fin-fan cooler configuration, fans and mechanical components are positioned below the exchanger bundle. Because the fans are in the cool air stream, horsepower requirements are slightly lower, and maintenance personnel are protected from high exit air temperatures. Forced draft exchangers are well suited for high-temperature service. For extremely high process pressures, serpentine or U-bend exchangers are available.

The induced draft configuration positions the fans above the exchanger bundle. High-velocity hot air exhaust reduces hot air recirculation, and plenums protect the exchanger bundle from the elements. Induced draft exchangers are well suited for lower process temperatures and for applications that would be adversely affected by recirculation.

Air-cooled heat exchangers in cold climates may require winterization for freeze protection and process temperature control. To prevent process fluids from freezing, the exchanger is equipped with automatic louvers and recirculation chambers to mix warm exhaust air with cold inlet air.
If you are unsure of exactly which device is best suited for your purposes, the experts at RTS Corporation and are on the cutting-edge of cooling product development. We work with Hudson Products and Smithco Engineering to provide you with the cooling device that is perfect for your needs. Our custom-designed high-performance Fin Fan Coolers provide your design with more efficient heat exchange.
With the difficult conditions in which fin-fan coolers are often used, it is key for your customized cooling solution to fit your needs. Both production process and climate conditions will impact the exact specifications your Fin Fan Cooler needs to meet. Our engineering experts are ready to meet and exceed your requirements, no matter the conditions.

RTS Corporation provides OEM equipment and specialized engineering services for the Gas & Oil Industry as well as Power Generation applications. With our advanced expertise and partnership with industry-leading equipment manufacturers, you can rest assured that RTS Corporation can handle any project your business needs. If you are looking for a resource that requires design experience and expertise in large-scale equipment, RTS Corporation is for you. Contact us today at (203) 459 9835. Or if you would prefer you can also email us at rts@rtscorporation.com.